Displaying 1 - 30 of 219 in total


We're nipping, tucking, and lifting this week. That's right. It's all about PLASTIC SURGERY. If we do it right, we'll take the hair that Jules has on his back and atta...


It's our first "MINI-SODE"!What could be better than a mystery article and two hosts who are already buzzing from a very powerful Scorpion Bowl???Cash. Lots and lots o...


WE'RE BACK!Let's take a moment to hug it all out. You guys look fantastic! Is that a new haircut??? Look at us. We're on video now!.Let's celebrate with a REUNION epis...

An Irish Exit

Sometimes you have to leave before the party is over. But that doesn't mean we won't see you again. Tune in for some laugher, tears and a bit of porn noises.

Lousy with Pineapples

IT"S OUR FOURTH ANNIVERSARY!!! We are LIVE in New York City at CAVEAT and we are going to GRAB some BAGs tonight! See what happens when we drag Moth up to the big city...

A Fentanyl Laced Gusher

If your phone rings, don't pick it up. You'll get RIPPED OFF. It's just Erin disguising her voice saying that she is trapped in Newark and needs you to send $5000 to h...

We Shrug New York

WARNING: Today's episode may be ALARMING to some. Don't be surprised if you start hearing sirens go off, It's just that we are illegally breaking in to your funny bone...

St. Petersburg $hitter

This week we are going up, up and away to the world of AIRLINE TRAVEL. Should pressure drop at any time in the Maha'a Tiki Lounge, feel free to check under your barsto...

Gay Street. Bring Your Harps.

We've hired a DETECTIVE to find where are last bits of sanity have disappeared to. With the help of Jessica Fletcher and a Specialty Cocktail, we should have this myst...

Legally Jesus

Huge guest/topic in the Maha'a Tiki Lounge this week. Well, we assume he's always with us. We are leaving a live mic on if he has anything to say. Please welcome, Mr. ...

Erin Was Here

Hope you have the TIME to fit us in this week. If you don't please find the time before we run out of time...........................the topic is time.


You play with FIRE you get burned. You drink a Specialty Cocktail out of the Maha'a Tiki Bar, there'a a fire in your belly. See the parallels?

Finding Scott Stapp

Starting the month off with a GRAB BAG is like driving thru a toll booth and finding out it's free that day. What an unexpected surprise where you get booze at the end...

Bangles & Birthmarks

It's time to make happy trees and beat our brushes. This week we are PAINTING and the Pineapple Ranch needs at least two coats.

A Pickle Wrapped Up In A Cigarette

IT'S OUR 200th EPISODE!!! We are going live on Instagram and Facebook, so there is nothing that can go wrong. Put on your best bridal gown and tight dress shirt as a c...

A Wicked Ruth Cleveland

This week, CHOCOLATE goes with everything. No time for sleep because the sugar high will keep us up for days!

I Have Less

And the AWARD for 'Best Podcast That Ever Was' goes to the very drunk crew at Table 6 from DEAR POD: The Comedy Advice Podcast. Could someone please wake up that drunk...

Sip & Enjoy. Chug & Accept.

Do you have to do that right next to m?. You know. That constant breathing in and out? Sorry. That was a bit harsh but I am CRABBY and IRRITABLE today and I have no pa...

The Wrong Hole

They tell us that we should celebrate. They make our lapels look fancier. And, they have always looked weird wrapped on a girl's wrist at a school dance. That's right....

Again, Orchids Are Beautiful

I'm just going to put my cold hand here. Now cough. You can trust me. I'm A DOCTOR. That's right. This week we are opening up wide and saying, "Ahhhhhh". By the time ...

Outlook Not So Good

Welcome to a New Year! I can't think of a better way to get the ball rolling then to start off this new chapter with a GRAB BAG, That's right. The possibilities are en...

Useless, Get Up!!!

Stop looking at me that way. It's so loud. My head is about to split in half because I drank my weight in tequila on New Year's Eve and now I have a massive HANGOVER. ...

Not Without My Cabbage

It's that time of the year when you are looking for the perfect TOYS. for the not so perfect children. Let's face it, we forgive them for all of their short comings ev...

He's A Sock Sucker

Look, I'm still in line at the COSTCO trying to prep for the Christmas Party at The Pineapple Ranch. So, I'm just gonna leave this GRAB BAG here for you to take home. ...

Railed By Papa Smurf

Somedays you have to look back and visit and ol' favorite. I'm not sure if these people can be considered favorites. They're my OBNOXIOUS NEIGHBORS. Wait...What? You s...

Turducken Of Crap

Time to celebrate, cause this happens once a year. Yes, it's time to change the batteries in the smoke detectors and it's time to celebrate a BIRTHDAY. That's right. ...


It's that time of the year where we come together to GIVE THANKS to family, friends, family who owes you money, friends who owe you money, and the dog-walker. Find you...

Erin Maguire As "Blossom"

What say we clear the palate at the beginning of this holiday season and serve you up a nice GRAB BAG episode? No? Well then, you will be the only one on your block wh...

You Voted For Taft?!?!

I'm sorry, Doctor. Can you please repeat your diagnosis? The second you said the word "penis" my wife burst out into a fit of LAUGHTER. Yes. Today we are going to poin...

Latter Day Spray

I'm sorry I'm so emotional today. Whenever I hear that there is a new episode of DEAR POD, I just start CRYING. Get out your Kleenex because this week we are going to ...

@2019 Pineapple Ranch Productions