Displaying episodes 91 - 120 of 216 in total

Drink Your Pork.

GRAB your BAG and head on over to The Pineapple Ranch this week because anything goes. There are rooster's that won't shut up, toothpicks being used and French men who...

Welcome To Aqua Scrotum.

We're cleaning up our act this week. Well, sort of. Just a quick drenching in the BATH or SHOWER, a quick "How's Your Father" on our bits and pieces, and a hit of Hai ...

What Are You Wearing?

Ya know, in this day and age, it is nearly impossible to make an OBSCENE PHONE CALL. What happened to the good old days when you can walk into a phone booth, slide the...

The Legend Of Lot Less

Now you see this episode. Now you don't. I know. You weren't ready for some skilled MAGIC happening all up in your face this week. Let me ask you this, is your married...

I Want The Flergüen Meats

Lock the front door. Do not answer your phone. And, if that PSYCHOPATH stands in your front yard, in the rain, with that stupid radio held over his head, he can drown ...

You Got Big Titties, Mama!

OK. Take your right arm. Shake it out. Let's relax those fingers. We don't want anyone pulling muscles. Now, reach into that GRAB BAG and see if you pull out some cold...

I Don't Like The Sea Men

GUEST ALERT!!! We can't think of a better way to celebrate Independence Day than an episode dedicated to the Men and Women who have selflessly served our country in th...

Bump The Auto

Grab the sunscreen, get the water bottles, pack some snacks and grab the barf bags. We are spending the day at the AMUSEMENT PARK! Should I let me pregnant girlfriend ...

You Wouldn't Like Veal

Get ready. We're sweaty, awkward, nervous and ready to blow. This week we're losing our VIRGINITY. When should we lose it? Who should we lose it to and if we don't use...

Herpes Lip, Sticky Juice & Claire

We are bursting at the seams because everyone in the Maha'a Tiki Lounge is beaming with PRIDE. This week we kick off Pride Month with parents who have always known THA...

Fudgy Patty

It's 58 degrees. Looks like rain. It's the first week of June. Come hell or high water, we are all getting in the POOL today. So, let your neighbors know that you will...


GUEST ALERT! Masks are slowly coming off. The grass looks a little greener. The sky is a little bluer and all I want to do is DANCE! Get out your tap shoes and let's l...

Dumpin' Mud

Get ready to dig, prune and seed. Because, this week we're visiting the GARDEN. In that pot is the rare Dear Abby letter where a man sings to his tomatoes. And wilting...

The Art Of Fisting

Don't let the title throw you. We're just GRABbing some BAGs today. Wow, that somehow seems worse. Anyway, when was the last time you went head to head with someone ab...

Cookie In My Purse

Pandemic or not. Masks or Face Shield. On The Rock or Straight up. It doesn't matter because DEAR POD is fully vaccinated and ready to celebrate its 2ND YEAR ANNIVERSA...

He Has A High Anus

Umm. You're twenty minutes late. You keep interrupting everyone and your fly's down. Do you have any MANNERS? Well you come to the right place. By the end of this epis...

Avram, Pass The Chicken.

The tank is full. The tires have air. That weird pine tree smelling thing is hanging from the rear view mirror. Who's DRIVING? Not me. I need to yell at you from the p...

So, That's A Change?

GUEST ALERT! Pull out the rabbit ears and attach the tinfoil, cause today we are turning the knob, getting rid of those wavy lines and revisiting the wonderful world o...

Mouth Feel

GUEST ALERT! Start dipping those microphones in sanitizer because the COMEDY clubs are reopening and God knows what toxic hell is coming out of that prop-comic's mouth...

Pushing Mud

Grab that last tube of toothpaste or anything gooey in reach, because today we are GRABbing BAGs. Would you go to a dinner party hosted by your husband's ex-wife? Can ...

Chocolate Eclairs And My Vajeen

Get the bats out of your kitchen and that thirty something year old virgin out of his mother's basement, cause we're facing our biggest FEARS this week. Is Patrick too...

And Another Hundred...

Get in the car. Head over to Costco. Buy an oversized pie and some cheap wine cause it’s time to over-indulge as DEAR POD celebrates its 100TH EPISODE!!! Join us , won...

So, We're In This Abandoned Sears...

Is this episode about fears or FRIENDS? Perhaps it's about lawn furniture. Doesn't matter. Because at the ninety-ninth episode and day three thousand six hundred and f...

Chef Meeeeee!

Get out your toupee tape because we don't want you to lose your WIG during this episode. Whether or not your hair is receding or proceeding, we here at the Maha'a Loun...

Death By Snowglobe

GUEST ALERT! Don't you dare pay for that motel room with your credit card. Pay for it like any normal, cheating human being having an AFFAIR...in cash. No paper trail!...

Fudge, The Whale.

Get our your Mercurochrome, Neosporin and Alcohol Wipes cause we are a bit ACCIDENT prone this week. While Abby deals with a husband who has a special agenda behind th...

Saxophone For Lovers

GUEST ALERT! Things are getting hot, steamy and sexy in the Maha'a Lounge this week. While Ann and Abby blush over articles of love on VALENTINE'S DAY, Erin and Patty ...

Mashed Potatoes, Helen?

Happy BLACK HISTORY MONTH! This week Ann and Abby tackle head on or sometimes avoid the topic of race, bigotry and tolerance. In the meantime, Erin and Patty have abso...

Siegfried & Roy Are A Couple?

Unless you live on your own private island, there is no way getting around the joys and drama of your NEIGHBORS. Are they envious of your color schemes on your abode? ...

Oh My God!!!

While peeing in a urinal, Michael Leeney turned to me and said, "My Dad is smarter than your Dad." What? What is that supposed to mean??? Why are you telling me now? D...

@2019 Pineapple Ranch Productions